NYCASE 2016: Jim Wright's Workshops

Click on the links below to find resources from Jim Wright's NYCASE Summer 2016 workshops:

FINDING THE SPARK. On Tuesday, 19 July 2016, Jim Wright presented the workshop Finding the Spark: Communication Tools to Motivate the Struggling Learner at the New York Council of Administrators 0f Special Education (NYCASE) conference in Saratoga Springs, NY. .Here are resources from that training:

Assumption 1: Self-Communication. Student motivation increases when learners communicate to themselves the correct attributions (explanations) about their own academic performance and the intentions of those who teach them.

Assumption 2: Teacher-to-Student Communication. Student motivation increases when teachers regularly communicate optimistic messages that link academic success to effort and planful process.

Assumption 3: Student-to-Teacher Communication. Student motivation increases when the learner communicates questions, needs, and preferences to the teacher.

Assumption 4: Task Communication. Student motivation increases when assigned academic tasks clearly communicate their requirements and performance standards.
  • Academic Survival Skills. The student possesses strong work habits in global skills such as time management, study skills, and organization.
  • Academic Survival Skills Checklist Maker. This free web app allows educators to create customized checklists for such crucial survival skills as homework completion, organization, time management, and more.


RTI BEHAVIOR. On Tuesday 19 July 2016, Jim Wright presented a workshop, Schools That Really Care: Expanding RTI to Address Social & Emotional Needs, at the New York Council of Administrators 0f Special Education (NYCASE) conference in Saratoga Springs, NY. .Here are resources from that training:

RTI: Behavior: Introduction

Tier 1:Class-Wide Management

Group Behavior Management Ideas:

Free online app discussed:

Tier 1: Classroom Behavioral Intervention

Free online aps discussed:

  • Behavior Report Card Maker. This app allows teachers to create and print off customized Behavior Report Cards (BRCs) to easily collect classroom behavioral data.

Tier 2: Supplemental Interventions

Here are websites that present information about RTI-B Tier 2/3 programs:

Tier 3: Intensive Interventions


School-Wide Behavior Screening Tools