A new, streamlined version of Intervention Central is coming in December 2023. The new site will eliminate user login accounts. If you have a login account, be sure to download and save any documents of importance from that account, as they will be erased when the website is revised.
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Academic Interventions

Academic Intervention Apps
Academic Intervention Planner: Online App
Academic Survival Skills Checklist Maker: Online App
Accommodations Finder: Online App
Reading: Sight-Words
Building Sight-Word Vocabulary: 4 Methods
Reading Racetracks
Math Facts
How To: Master Math Facts: Cover-Copy-Compare
Math Computation: Increase Accuracy and Productivity Rates Via Self-Monitoring and Performance Feedback
Math Computation: Increase Accuracy By Intermixing Easy and Challenging Computation Problems
Math Computation: Promote Mastery of Math Facts Through Incremental Rehearsal
Math Computation: Student Self-Monitoring of Productivity to Increase Fluency
Peer Tutoring in Math Computation with Constant Time Delay
Self-Administered Folding-In Technique: Math Facts
Reading: Phonics
Letter Cube Blending
Word Boxes/Word Sorts
Academic Anxiety
Managing Academic Anxiety Through an Antecedent Writing Activity
Cooperative Learning
Numbered Heads Together
Work-Planning Skills: Plan, Work, Evaluate, Adjust
How To: Master Spelling or Sight Words: Cover-Copy-Compare
Integrated Writing Instruction
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... WRITING
Sentence Combining: Teaching Rules of Sentence Structure by Doing
Spelling: Repeated Review of Spelling Words with Shared Rime
Spelling: Self-Correction with Verbal Cues
Writing Instruction: Effective Elements
Reading Fluency
Error Correction & Word Drill Techniques
HELPS Reading Program
Kids as Reading Helpers: A Peer Tutor Training Manual
Listening Passage Preview
Paired Reading
Reading Practice
Repeated Reading
Repeated Reading: Small-Group
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... READING
Reading Comprehension
"Click or Clunk?": A Student Comprehension Self-Check
Advanced Story Map
Ask-Read-Tell: Cognitive Strategy
Keywords: A Memorization Strategy
Main-Idea Maps
Mental Imagery: Improving Text Recall
Oral Recitation Lesson
Phrase-Cued Text Lessons
Prior Knowledge: Activating the 'Known'
Reading Comprehension Fix-Up Skills: A Classroom Toolkit
Reciprocal Teaching: A Reading Comprehension Package
Repeated Reading and Oral/Written Retell
Text Lookback
General Academic
Flashcards with Constant Time Delay: Letters, Numbers, Sight Words, Math Facts, Vocabulary
Games, Contests & Puzzles: Entertaining Ideas for Educating Students
Group-Response Techniques
Help Signal
Instruction Strategies
Introducing Academic Strategies to Students: A Direct-Instruction Approach
Reducing Problem Behaviors Through Good Academic Management: 10 Strategies
Teacher Strategies to Promote Learning
The Instructional Hierarchy: Linking Stages of Learning to Effective Instructional Techniques
Study & Organization
Guided Notes: Increasing Student Engagement During Lecture and Assigned Readings
Homework Contracts: Tapping the Power of Parents
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... STUDY SKILLS / ORGANIZATION
Strategic Note-Taking
Student Problems
Study Skills Package
Test Anxiety: Classroom Tips
Tools to Build Student Text and Lecture Comprehension
Applied Math Problems: Using Question-Answer Relationships (QARs) to Interpret Math Graphics
Math Problem-Solving: Combining Cognitive & Metacognitive Strategies
Number Operations: Strategic Number Counting Instruction
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... MATHEMATICS
Self-Monitoring: Customized Math Self-Correction Checklists
Early Math Fluency
Number Sense: Promoting Basic Numeracy Skills through a Counting Board Game