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Education Training Workshops

Hi. I am Jim Wright, the creator of Intervention Central. I present workshops on academic and behavioral interventions, assessment, and implementation of Response to Intervention. I schedule most of my workshops directly with schools, districts, and organizations.
Browse my workshop descriptions below. Unless otherwise specified, workshops are a full day (5-6 hours) in length. However, I can customize workshops upon request (for example, condensing 2 workshop topics into a single day's training). If you would like to book a workshop for your school or request more information about a specific training, please email me at jimw13159@gmail.com. Thanks!
The Common Core Standards have raised the bar for student academic achievement in our nation's schools. Yet struggling students often present a cascade of issues that interfere with academic success--problems such as limited basic academic skills; lack of cognitive strategies; and poor organization or other executive-functioning skills. This full-day workshop trains teachers, support staff, and administrators to develop academic intervention plans to help underperforming students to reach their full potential. Educators completing the training will have the skills necessary to put together high-quality RTI Tier 1 classroom intervention Plans.
Misbehavior of students is a frequent interrupter of teacher instruction. Even worse, chronic problem behaviors can act as a serious roadblock to getting students to attain the ambitious Common Core State Standards in ELA and mathematics. This training is designed for general-education and special education teachers, support staff, and administrators. It presents a series of proven strategies that any educator can use to handle a full range of challenging behaviors with both groups and individual students.
Data collection is crucial for monitoring the progress of any student receiving a classroom academic or behavioral intervention. Whether under RTI, the Common Core Standards, or Special Education, however, data collection is often a 'weak link' in classroom interventions. This workshop is designed for general- and special-education teachers, educational consultants, and school administrators who want to select classroom assessments with confidence, set clear goals for student improvement, and collect the right kind and amount of data to document the effectiveness of student interventions.
The 'Response to Intervention' (RTI) model has been widely adopted by elementary schools across the nation as a proactive way to respond to students with academic or behavioral concerns. This full-day workshop provides participants with an overview of RTI and an explanation of how this framework can better support students with academic or behavioral challenges.
To be effective at the middle and high school level, Response to Intervention (RTI) must be tailored to accommodate compartmentalized instruction, highly demanding curriculum expectations, complex schedules--and students who are approaching adulthood and have a significant voice in their own educational program. This full-day workshop presents an RTI problem-solving model specifically designed for the realities of secondary school settings.
The RTI Problem-Solving Team is a multi-disciplinary group of educators that create intensive, customized intervention plans for struggling general-education students who have not responded to lesser levels of academic or behavioral support. This full-day workshop provides guidance to schools to set up effective RTI Problem-Solving Teams in elementary and secondary buildings.
It is impossible for middle and high school students to master the ambitious Common Core Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics if they lack either the tools or motivation to take responsibility for their own learning. This workshop provides educators in secondary classrooms with the guidance, diagnostic tools, and intervention strategies to train students to act as their own learning managers.
In many classrooms, poor student motivation is a central concern. This full-day workshop presents a flexible, problem-solving approach that identifies why a student lacks academic engagement and matches that student to appropriate interventions that will increase motivation to learn.