A new, streamlined version of Intervention Central is coming in December 2023. The new site will eliminate user login accounts. If you have a login account, be sure to download and save any documents of importance from that account, as they will be erased when the website is revised.
Main menu
Behavioral Interventions

Active Response Beads: Defusing Strategy
Calming the Agitated Student
How to Reduce Disruptive Behaviors Through a Brief Escape Break: Class Pass
Behavior Intervention Apps
Behavior Intervention Planner: Online App
Behavior Report Card Maker: Online App
Jackpot Reward Finder: Online App
Communication Tools
Effective Teacher Commands
Precision Requests: Increase Compliance
Working With Defiant Kids: Communication Tools for Teachers
Pre-K Through Gr 2
Primary Classrooms: Language Strategies
Zone Defense System: Primary Classrooms
Self-Monitoring: 7-Step Plan
Self-Monitoring: Attention to Instruction
Self-Monitoring: The Convenience of Checklists
Special Needs
Extending Learning
Forced-Choice Reinforcer Assessment: Guidelines
Teaching Children With Developmental Disabilities: Classroom Ideas
Appropriate School Performance
Jackpot! Ideas for Classroom Rewards
Trouble-Shooting Reward Programs: A Teacher's Guide
Challenging Students
'Rubber-Band' Intervention
Behavior Contracts
Behavior Management: Big Ideas
Breaking the Attention-Seeking Habit: The Power of Random Positive Teacher Attention
Check-In/Check-Out: Behavioral Conferences
Dodging the Power-Struggle Trap: Ideas for Teachers
How to Reduce Disruptive Behavior Through Antecedent Physical Exercise
Points for Grumpy
Response Effort
Response-Cost Lottery
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... DEFIANCE / NON-COMPLIANCE
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... HYPERACTIVITY
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... OFF-TASK / INATTENTION
Self-Monitoring: Helping Students to Change Their Own Behaviors
Strategies for Working With Emotionally Unpredictable Students
Talk Ticket
Teacher Behavioral Strategies: A Menu
Time Out From Reinforcement
What Every Teacher Should Know About…Punishment Techniques and Student Behavior Plans
‘Defensive Behavior Management’: Advance Planning, Connecting With the Student, and Defusing Crisis Situations
Activities Classroom
Encouraging Student Academic Motivation
Finding the Spark: More Tips for Building Student Motivation
Growth Mindset Statements: Encouraging Students to Try
How to: Increase Motivation: Learning Contracts
Motivating Students Via High-Probability Requests
Motivation Challenge 1: The Student Cannot Do the Work
Motivation Challenge 2: The Response Effort to Do the Work Seems Too Great
Motivation Challenge 3: Classroom Instruction Does Not Engage
Motivation Challenge 4: The Student Does Not See an Adequate Payoff for Doing the Work
Motivation Challenge 5: The Student Lacks Confidence that He or She Can Do the Work
Motivation Challenge 6: The Student Lacks a Positive Relationship with the Teacher
Motivation Trap: Increase Academic Engagement
School-Home Note
Teacher Praise: An Efficient Tool to Motivate Students
Wise Feedback: Help Students Accept Constructive Criticism
Schoolwide Classroom/Mgmt
Color Wheel: Helping Students to Follow Classwide Rules
Critters!: Rewarding Positive Behaviors
Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate: Teacher Advice
Good Behavior Game
Group Self-Monitoring
Mystery Motivator: Classwide Intervention
Positive Peer Reports: Changing Negative Behaviors By Rewarding Student Compliments
Preventing Graffiti and Vandalism: Enlisting the Power of Classrooms
Respectful Classroom
Safe Playground
School-Wide Strategies for Managing... BUS CONDUCT
Smooth Classroom Traffic
Strategies to Prepare Classrooms for Substitute Teachers
Teacher-Student Learning Game: Large & Small-Group Strategy
Bully Prevention
Bullies: Turning Around Negative Behaviors
Bullying: What It Is & What Schools Can Do About It
Bystanders: Turning Onlookers into Bully-Prevention Agents
Locations: Transforming Schools from Bully-Havens to Safe Havens
Victims: Preventing Students From Becoming 'Bully-Targets'