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Free Audio Monitoring Tapes

When assessment or intervention requires that specific actions be performed at fixed intervals, the most obvious solution is for the educator to use a fixed-interval audio tape. Such a tape has pre-recorded tones (i.e., 'beeps') occurring at fixed intervals (e.g., every 30 seconds; every 2 minutes; etc.) to cue the educator to collect a behavioral observation or implement an element of an intervention plan. Think of fixed-interval audio tapes as the 'soundtrack' for effective assessment and intervention work.
The main uses for the fixed-interval audio tape collection are to conduct behavioral observations and to implement elements of academic or behavioral interventions. Here are quick descriptions of each of these uses:
Behavioral Observation. A common use of the fixed-interval audio tape is as a dependable cueing strategy for behavioral observation. The observer selects an MP3 audio tape with time intervals (e.g., 10-second; 30-second) appropriate to the behavior(s) to be observed and the method to be used to record the behavior(s).While conducting the observation, the observer notes the tones on the audio-tape that signal the onset of each successive interval. The tape cues the observer to collect behavioral data using momentary time-sampling, partial or full interval recording, frequency-counting, or other behavioral-assessment method--and permits the observer to 'time-stamp' that data by linking it to the appropriate time-interval.
Academic or Behavioral Intervention. Effective interventions often require that educators schedule structured interactions with students in a manner that supports academic or behavioral goals. In busy classrooms, however, it is easy for teachers and others to forget to carry out their interventionist roles because of unexpected interruptions or other environmental distractions.
If an educator plans to follow a fixed-interval schedule to provide intervention support to a student, a fixed-interval audio tape can serve as a helpful, gentle reminder to the educator to implement the intervention element(s)repeatedly and on cue. The educator selects an MP3 audio tape with time intervals (e.g., 2-minute; 5-minute) appropriate to the frequency with which that educator is to intervene, downloads it to a digital device that is convenient to use, and starts the tape at the start of each intervention session.